Welcome To The Jungle … Carly
Teenagers trying to differentiate themselves among the competition, trying to thrive in a jungle of papers where only the fittest prospects can survive. Carly knows what it is like to claim and defend her niche in the vast and ever-changing jungle of college applicants, having only gone through the application process just over a year ago. Now, having completed her first year of college at the University of Pennsylvania, she has sought to throw herself back into the jungle, no longer carving a place for herself, but as an intern at Simply180, helping the agency’s clients thrive in their spaces.
Natural Habitat
Carly’s comfort zone has rested within two main territories for most of her life. As a self-proclaimed fashionista, Carly has always found herself immersed in the fashion world, from growing up watching Project Runway to loving to style herself and develop her own unique aesthetic. That passion has continued with her into college, where she landed the gig as the creative director of the school’s upcoming fashion show.
Human psychology is the other curiosity that has stayed with Carly over the years. She stumbled into this passion a bit later in life after working through her own mental health struggles, learning so much about how the mind and subconscious work. That interest has expanded from her own mental health to criminal psychology and true crime, from documentaries to Criminal Minds, and has led her to join the mental health magazine at her college.
When Two Worlds Collide
Her interests always felt a bit disjointed to her. On the right side, the emotional and creative ventures of color, design, and making a creative statement. On the left side, the intellectual and problem-solving desires of understanding how the human mind functions, of learning about the brain’s tools and tricks. Then she took a marketing course during her first year in business school, and it all clicked. Marketing and advertising seemed to be that perfect blend of both interests, being able to express creativity and design in ads and marketing strategies as well as delve into targeting strategies based on consumer behavior and psychology.
Learning to Thrive in the Jungle
Deciding marketing would be an ideal career fit, Carly went out on an expedition to search for a marketing agency that would provide her with the experience to thrive in the marketing jungle, to learn more about how to navigate the marketing world. She found herself on the Simply180 website, and knew this agency was the right fit with its simple and innovative approach, so she applied as a marketing intern for the summer of 2020. While COVID put a delay on the process, she has now joined the team and is eager to gain hands-on experience and to learn directly from some of the best. She is particularly looking forward to learning about content development and branding, how to improve and maintain a consistent brand image for Simply180’s clients through the content the client puts into the world, from its own website to social and blog posts. She also hopes to delve deeper into the process of targeting, of determining segments of a client’s audience on which to concentrate based on customer behavior and likelihood to engage with the client.
Not only is Carly proud to learn about defending Simply180’s clients and their places in the marketplace, but also the experience Carly will receive from Simply180 is invaluable in helping her fine tune the career path she will eventually pursue and defend her own unique spot in college and the workplace.